
Warren, Carmack & Associates, a Salt Lake City-based genealogical and historical research firm owned by nationally known professional genealogist James W. Warren, offers a full range of research, writing, editing, and publishing services. He has more than thirty-five years experience.

His research expertise includes

  • General U.S. research, with special emphasis in Southern, Midwestern, New England and New York
  • Irish-American and Irish research (Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland)
  • Italian-American and Italian research
  • Immigrant and ethnic research
  • American Indian (Native American) research
  • Family Health Histories and DNA Studies

Jim conducts research primarily at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, which offers the largest collection of genealogical search materials anywhere, and draws researchers from around the globe. The books, microfilm, and state-of-the-art electronic resources are unmatched. The real treasure of the collection, however, are the collections of original records, both on microfilm and digitized from more than 110 countries, territories, and possessions.

Along with working at the Family History Library, Jim makes periodic trips to conduct research onsite at these locations:

  • National Archives in Washington, DC, and its regional archives
  • State archives, major libraries, local courthouses, and other repositories relevant to their client’s research
  • Ireland and Northern Ireland repositories

Because Jim has been active nationally in the genealogy field since 1989, he has built a network of colleagues in all genealogical specialties. So no matter what type of family history research you seek, Jim can readily accommodate your request.

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