
Book Design and Layout: Jim handles all the layout and design of our books. He will work with you regarding all aspects: trim size and cover, overall book style, fonts and font sizes, photos and illustrations, and captions. Jim creates ancestor/descendant charts and locates or creates maps and other appropriate illustrations to enhance the layout in addition to your family photos.

Photo Digitization and Enhancement: Jim will digitize and electronically enhance the photographs, maps, charts, documents, and other illustrations to place in your book.

Indexing: Jim also works on indexing projects. We can customize your book’s index to include the combination of names, places, and/or subjects that you prefer.

Publishing and Book Order Fulfillment: Your completed book will be generated as a PDF file that any printer can process. Or, Jim can handle the printing for you, publishing under his imprint, Scattered Leaves Press, including all the processing to publish your book through Amazon KDP. He also works with a number of local, reasonably priced printers that specialize in high-quality, small print-run books. Once he delivers the PDF to one of our local printers, it typically takes about a month for the printing and binding. Once completed, he can ship all or some of the copies to you, and handle order fulfillment. He can also publish ebooks and make them available online.

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